Styrofoam Carving by Maori Artist George Nuku from New Zealand and France at the Ora Gallery, New Zealand Art and Design Gallery, 51 7th Avenue, New York, NYC.
Tapjutapu atea cube " divinity into divinity"
'The cube sculpture is a collaborate work between George Nuku and Visesio Siasuau.
This is an direct diaalogue on many levels including the discourse between artists:
darkness and light as the cube is spatially situated concentrically as it simultaneously
revolves in it own axis in time and space.
The ideas expressed on the cube surface both patterns employed by Kuku and Siasau
are potent sacred ancestral semiotics. The design that Nuku has chosen is called
Takarangi atea, it is a reference to cosmic light penetrating the void.
Siasau's semiotics and semantics are referred to Mata 'atea' the consciousness pertaining
to the highest levels of Langi - known as the highest sphere in supreme heavenly
realms. This pattern is the cosmogony that we receive through the cosmic consciousness
that creates a balanced polarity field equivalent to Spirituality, the giving us the duality
of the Human psychology.
The term 'divinity into divinity' refers to these patterns, carved onto and imbued into the
polystyrene. The result is a glimpse of its Mauri, its life force and its divinity is both
revealed and made manifest. "
Price $1250.00
release #2721