Head and shoulder portrait of Brahma Kumaris marcher at the India Day Parade in NYC.
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) is a monastic, new religious movement of Indian origin.
It teaches a form of meditation adherents called Raja Yoga. A neo-Hindu religious movement, the Brahma Kumaris pre-date the New Age movement but have developed characteristics that link them to its thinking. It advocates a lifestyle which includes a vegetarian diet, celibacy, and avoidance of alcohol, drugs and tobacco.
Historically, the Brahma Kumaris have not been without controversy and a range of accusations against them have been made...The institution uses Hindu terminologies such as Raja Yoga and Bhagavad Gita to attract people but what is taught in the organization is completely different from what their original meanings in Hinduism. It claims to offer a road map to inner peace, happiness and deep aspects of spiritual development.