Buccaneers were a kind of privateers or free sailors peculiar to the Caribbean Sea during the 17th and 18th centuries. First established on northern Hispaniola as early as 1625, their heyday was from the Restoration in 1660 until about 1688, during a time when governments were not strong enough and did not consistently attempt to suppress them.
English settlers occupying Jamaica began to spread the name buccaneers with the meaning of pirates.
After a two-year hiatus, ReedPop is bringing New York Comic Con back to the city that never sleeps. Much has changed in the world since the biggest pop culture gathering on the East Coast celebrated its ast genuine edition back in 2019.
New York Comic Con 2021 will return to Manhattan's Javitz Center between Thursday, Oct. 7 - Sunday, Oct. 10.
The New York Comic Con convention, is a celebration of comic books, graphic novels, sci-fi and video games, toys, movies and television.
Cosplay attendee in his buccaneer costume .