Coronavirus Pandemic 01) Walkabout Chronicles - Phases 1 & 2 Reopening
639 images Created 31 Mar 2020
Walkabout in Australian Aboriginal society, the phrase is often used for a the man who was when and was making a ritual journey.
As a photographer my walkabout was to record and try to make some sense of this pandemic through peoples reactions, signs that reflected the time, different styles of face mask worn and anything else of interest to me.
All images in this gallery are from New York City. The spread of coronavirus pandemic is in New York City, the United States and World Wide.
The virus is spread is through sneezing or coughing of an infected person is carried in their saliva at a limited time that these particles are in the air, if another person inhales it then there is a good chance that they will get infected by the disease themselves.
A pandemic is a disease epidemic that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents, or worldwide. A widespread endemic disease with a unstable number of infected people.
People begun to wear face covering
and surgical masks in public because of the emergency over coronavirus pandemic, first there was no gathering of more than 500, then is was no public gatherings. Events were postponed or cancelled.
The different types of PPE include face
shields, gloves, goggles and glasses, gowns, head covers, masks, respirators, and shoe covers. Face shields, gloves, goggles and glasses, gowns, head covers, and shoe covers protect against the transmission of germs through contact and droplet routes.
As a photographer my walkabout was to record and try to make some sense of this pandemic through peoples reactions, signs that reflected the time, different styles of face mask worn and anything else of interest to me.
All images in this gallery are from New York City. The spread of coronavirus pandemic is in New York City, the United States and World Wide.
The virus is spread is through sneezing or coughing of an infected person is carried in their saliva at a limited time that these particles are in the air, if another person inhales it then there is a good chance that they will get infected by the disease themselves.
A pandemic is a disease epidemic that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents, or worldwide. A widespread endemic disease with a unstable number of infected people.
People begun to wear face covering
and surgical masks in public because of the emergency over coronavirus pandemic, first there was no gathering of more than 500, then is was no public gatherings. Events were postponed or cancelled.
The different types of PPE include face
shields, gloves, goggles and glasses, gowns, head covers, masks, respirators, and shoe covers. Face shields, gloves, goggles and glasses, gowns, head covers, and shoe covers protect against the transmission of germs through contact and droplet routes.