Trump Pro and Con Collection
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708 imagesNewspaper headlines before and after the election. Rallies and marches below A Day Without Women Ant-Trump Demonstration by Stonewall Inn Bankrupt Closed Trump Casino in AC End Family Separation NYC Rally and March @ Foley Square Immigrants Resist in Washington Park Lady Justice March for Your Life NYC - Gun Control March for Science NYC Newspaper Headlines Not My President People's Filibuster New York City Pro Trump Rally New York City 2019 Tax March NYC Today I Am A Muslim Too Trump Care Funeral Procession NYC Trump Parody of Uncle Sam 1st Women's March NYC 2nd Women's March NYC 3rd Women's March NYC _____________________________________ Faces of marchers with signs against President Trump's agenda "We Are Better Than This", "Not My President" and more ..... ____________________________________ The victory of Donald Trump met with shock, fear, and anger. Especially for immigrants, Muslims, people of color, women and others. Grassroots movement of demonstrations across the country to fight against Trump.
167 imagesSome days I feel like its all a bad dream, that we are in an alternate Universe* and Hilary is president. * "From science fiction to science fact, there is a concept that suggests that there could be other universes besides our own, where all the choices you made in this life played out in alternate realities. The concept is known as a "parallel universe," and is a facet of the astronomical theory of the multiverse". ______________________________________ Newspaper Headlines before and after the 2016 Presidential Election and Anti Trump stickers. "VOTE for the one you dislike least" "Stop the Don Con" "Survivor" "Ban-ished"" "Build My Wall Or I'll Kill This Government" "House of Horrors" "President Trump"" "They Weren't All Nazis" "Second Women's March NYC" "Sympathy For The Devils" State of the Union "The Real News" "Trump Wins" "Women's March NYC"
29 imagesThe real " Fake News " is Trump was a successful businessman the reality is he was a failure . All you need to do is look at Atlantic City.