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6 galleriesAmerican Government Galleries 1) American Flag 2) Symbol of American Government 3) Merchandising of Elections 4) Newspaper Headlines 5) Voting * First Amendment and Freedom of Speech go to: Protest Gallery.
435 imagesExterior and interior architecture design elements. abstract elements, Alhambra, Arabesque decorations, Art Deco, Art Deco details, Art Deco door, Art Deco facade, Art Deco gate, Art Deco lamp, Art Deco leaves, Art Deco stars, Art Deco reliefs, Art Deco torches, arches, archways, Art Nouveau, balcony, baluster, balustrade, Beaux Arts, bronze, capitals, carpet design, cast iron buildings, ceiling lights, ceramic tiles on buildings, chairs, Chanin Building, Chrsyler Building close-up details, columns, cornice, Corinthian Capital, Corinthian Columns, decorative facades, dome, doors, door handles, door knockers, escalators, faces in stone, Flatiron Building, Fred F. French Building, gables, gargoyles, geometric design, glass and steel, glass facades, historic landmark, ICA Building, iron works, Javits Center, Jefferson Market Library, landmark building, light and shadows, Maritime Building, Mayan, metal work, reflections, reliefs, Revel, skylights, stain glass windows, stairs, stairways, symmetry of design, veranda, walkways, Washington Square Arch, windows
13 galleriesClassical and historical use of elements of ornamentation in architecture design. 01) Exterior and interior architecture design elements. 01a) Pop-up shop Exterior Facade of Tiffany pop up store Greenwich Village. 05) Decorative sculptures, stone work and marble on both interior and exterior of buildings. 03) Synergy of graphic architecture and design either buildings or close up details. Computer altered to create conceptual optical illusion designs of patterns, and repetition of forms and shapes. 04) Hardware used in and on architecture.
12 galleries
189 imagesBackground: " the scenery behind something." Images of shapes, patterns, textures, and colors, Also with negative space that could be used for type. Other galleries to look in: Abstract Colors - Designs - Patterns - Reflections - Textures Kaleidoscopic Abstracts
200 imagesAs outrage grows nationwide over the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, hundreds of protesters descended on New York City on June 02, 2020 marching up 7th Avenue chanting "I can't breathe" and “No justice, no peace!” Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, was pinned to the ground by a white police officer who, video shows, put his knee on Floyd's neck for at least eight minutes before he died. His death has led to massive protests across Minneapolis and the country, at times turning violent, with clashes between law enforcement and protesters. The protest was largely peaceful,
6 galleriesBlack and White Photography (Gallery 1) bw fine Art, landscapes and nudes (Gallery 2) bw early photographs (Gallery 3) bw editorial (Gallery 4) bw portraits (Gallery 5) bw sepia toned and digital prints
177 imagesStudio still life's and locations concepts for business, financial, advertising and medical illustrations. Advertising campaign, Advertising store front billboards Atlantic City Bankruptices Closed signs * AC Casinos * Bankrupt * Maison Keyser Currency, Income Tax Preparation, Medical Concepts, Newspaper economy headlines, Small business * Coffee Shops * Fruit Cart * Halal Food Truck Cart Stock Certificates
4 galleries]Chemistry Collection Montage: Gallery 1 ) Chemistry - Experiments and Metals Gallery 2 ) Hot Air Balloons Gallery 3 ) Miscellaneous Chemistry Experiments and others Gallery 4 ) Rust Iron Oxidation
3 galleries
6185 imagesTwo of more images combined creating a new image, either a photo montage, collage, diptych, triptych or composite of images. Several layers or generations were combined to enhance, alter or manipulate the image, creating an abstract surrealistic symmetry. Diptych is a two-part work of art; Triptych is a three-part work Tetraptych or Quadriptych has four parts; Pentaptych has five parts; Hexaptych has six parts; Heptaptych (or Septych in Latin) seven; Octaptych has eight parts; Enneaptych has nine parts; Decaptych has ten parts.
8 galleriesNew York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on April 15, 2020 said he is ordering all people to wear a face covering while in public as the state works to combat the nation's worst coronavirus outbreak. You had to wear face covering ( masks, bandanas, surgical masks ) in public or indoors when shopping as a way to reduce the spread of coronavirus pandemic. 14 months later New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on June 15, 2021 said IT'S OVER The coronavirus pandemic. "Effective immediately" in New York, virtually all COVID restrictions are eliminated as gov declares victory. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on June 24, 2021, we close out the emergency chapter in the pandemic—effective , New York's COVID-19 State of Emergency has ended. Federal CDC guidance will remain in place, meaning if you're unvaccinated, you should still wear a mask in public indoors. Masks will also still be required on public transit and certain other settings, like health care facilities. Fighting COVID and vaccinating New Yorkers are still our top priorities but the emergency is over—and that's thanks to the hard work of New Yorkers and especially all our essential workers. We will continue to focus on COVID recovery and reimagining and rebuilding New York. Viruses constantly change through mutation, and new variants of a virus are expected to occur over time. COVID-19 tests can detect whether you're infected with COVID-19, but might not be able to differentiate the delta variant specifically. From Los Angeles to New Orleans, cities around the country reinstated indoor mask rules this week. But for now, an indoor mask mandate is not the answer for New York City. August 16, 2021 : 77.6 percent of adult New Yorkers have completed at least one vaccine dose The State Department of Health has authorized a third COVID-19 vaccine dose for New Yorkers with compromised immune system as per the CDC. All health care workers in New York State will be required to be vaccinated by September 27. This includes staff at hospitals and long-term care facilities including nursing homes, adult care, and other congregate care settings. Limited medical and religious exemptions were allowed. Feb 27. 2022 Mayor Eric Adams said on Sunday that New York City was preparing to eliminate school mask mandates and vaccine requirements for restaurants, gyms and movie theaters by March 7 if reports of new coronavirus cases in the city remain low. Many in the city hope the rollback will help restore a sense of normalcy in the city and boost its economic recovery
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2906 imagesCosplay Portraits from present to past Comic Con's
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358 imagesCouples both young and old, friends and lovers,married and unmarried couples. The gallery's different type below: Adolescent Couples Affectionate Couples African American Couples Asian American Couples Bride and Groom Development Disabled Couple Elderly Couples Erotic Sexual Couple High School Couples Hispanic Couples Homeless Couples Interracial Couples Middle Age Couples Sikh Couple Teen Couples Wedding
339 imagesAlternative lifestyle, relationship between same sex couples. Gay and lesbian friends and lovers. couples with children and same sex married couples.
14 galleries(1) Arrest (2) Correction and Probation Officers (3) Forensics - CSI- DNA - Drug Testing (4) Inmates - One Family Visitation (5) Inmates - Female Inmates (6) Inmates - Lock Down (7) Inmates - Male (8) Inmates - Muslim Inmates (9) Inmates - Visitation (10) Juvenile - Juvenile Court (11) Juvenile - Alternative Programs (12) Juvenile - Handcuff - Holding Cells (13) Law and Order - (14) Law Enforcement Officers
1641 imagesPhotographic series of digital flower and plant computer art. Two or more layers used to enhance, alter and manipulate the image, creating an abstract surrealistic mirrored symmetry.
3 galleriesPhotographic series of digital computer art, Illusion or fantasy? original images that can be found in my other galleries. Two or more layers or generations were used to enhance, alter, manipulate an image, creating an abstract surrealistic mirrored symmetry. 1) Geometric Patters as Digital Art. 2) Digital Illustrations with Sky 3) Flowers and Plants as Digital Art. 4) Tattoos Also look in: Abstracts : Colors - Designs-Patterns- Reflections-Textures Abstracts: Illusions- Smoke and Mirror Symmetry Architecture Elements - Design Illusions
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3 galleriesAnti-Asian Hate Crime When Up 361%, flowers around tree where violence happen in Chinatown. It is consistent with a general surge in racism against Asian Americans. It’s consistent with the increase in crimes during the epidemic. And then thirdly, reflective of the Asian American community more likely to report." Antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ hate crimes also increased.
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416 imagesPatriot \ n: One who loves his or her country. The images of this gallery show patriotism and national pride for one's native country and flag. Flags, Patriotism, Pride, 9-11, Flags from other Countries and Remembrance. Partial list below: - African American - Uncle Sam - American Flag - American Korean Pride - American Muslim Pride - American Pakistani Pride - American Pride - American Salute - American Union Pride - Anti-Trump Parody of Uncle Sam - Armenian Genocide - Bald Eagle - Blind Justice 9-11 - Brazilian Pride - Disrespect of the flag - Ethnic pride with American flag - Ethnic pride with flag - Flags painted faces - God Bless America - Holding flags of their country - Honoring the flag - Memorial Plaques - Military Decorations and Ribbons - Military Reenactment - Mourning Closing of Church - Nepalese Flag - Pakistani Pride - Persian Iranian Pride - Pledge Allegiance - POW-MIA - Puerto Rican Pride - Purple Heart - Remembrance of 9-11 - 9-11 Tiles of America - Tiles 4 America - Turkish Pride - Uncle Sam - Union Pride in America - Veterans Day Parade - Vietnam Veterans - Welder American and Union Pride - West Point Cadets - Wreaths of Honor
379 imagesFood still life images and Compost: AC Fried Pickles Almond Apricot Tarts Asian Vegetables Banana Float Beehive - Honey Bell Peppers Broadwalk Fast Fried Foods Chinese Fish Market Compost Fast Food French Pastry Fried Banana Funnel Cake Fried Oreo Fried Snickers Fry Bread Italian Sausages Japanese Hot Dogs Kohltshi Korean Grilled Squid Mushrooms Mustard Greens Parsnips Pig in Window Pineapple Portobello Mushrooms Potatoes Farmers Market Pumpkin Pies Pyramid - Apples Pyramid - Oranges Red and Green Peppers Samosa Siberian Kale Space Food Strawberries Sushi Thai Fruit Carving Thanksgiving Volunteers Turkey Tunisienne Hot Dogs
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287 imagesFound objects on my walkabout. Similar to the Australian Aboriginal my travels of photographing found objects or concepts is my photo rite of passage. They can either be discovered by chance unexpectedly either in the studio or outdoors. Two or more layers or generations can be used to enhance, alter, manipulate these images, creating new abstract surrealistic mirrored symmetry. Object: something that when viewed stirs a particular emotion ____________________________________
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739 imagesGay and Lesbian Issues and Pride. Also look im LGBT Rainbow Pride Gallery. AIDS Awareness AIDS Candlelight Vigil AIDS Quilt Bike-A-Thon Dyke March Exhibitionism Gay Magazines Gay Pride Parade Gay and Lesbian Parents with children Hepatitis A and B Pride Mark Rainbow Pride Safe Sex Transvestites
5 galleriesHalloween is a celebration observed in many countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. It is at the beginning of the observance of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints, martyrs, and all the faithful departed.
322 imagesHands, as a photographic element, can be one of the most expressive subjects. They tell a story, communicate a mood, add drama and help direct the viewers eye to what's most important within the image. Hands also raise several questions: What is the importance of the hands within the larger context of the photograph? Is there a hidden meaning or more than one interpretation? What is the statement made by the hands? Different types of communication made by hands: Age,gender and work of Hands Gestures made by hands Hands as the portrait Hands in advertising Intimacy of hands Loving embrace of hands Public speakers gestures Physical and emotional hands Portrait with hands Praying hands Tattoo hands
346 imagesImages to illustrate fitness, health, Medicine, nutrition and wellness concepts. List below: 0 grams Trans Fat, Acetaminophen, Anti-Smoking, Birth Control Counseling, Blood Pressure, Brazilian Cigarette Warning, Calories List, Cannabis, Caution Label, Chewing Tobacco, Cigarette Warning, Closed Public Health Notice, Cocaine - Energy Drink, Cut the Salt, Dental Clinic, Dental Oral Screening Kit, Diabetics Test Kit, Drug Awareness, Energy Drinks, Flue Precaution, Food Still lifes, French Cigarette Warning, French Pastries, Health Clinic - Street Fair, Home HIV-1 Test Kit, Italian Cigarette Warning, Lung Cancer Warning, Medical Marijuana, Mouth Cancer Warning, Neon-Drug Sign, No Smoking Sign, No Trans Fat, Obesity, Pap Test, Pink Ribbon - Breast Cancer, Pregnant Woman Exercising, Prozac, Pulmonary Test, Second Hand Smoke, Smoking Warning, Surgical Mask Outdoors, Tai Chi, Teen Smoking Warning, Tracheostoma, Trans Fat, Vitiligo - Skin condition, Workout - Exercise Class
1008 imagesNYC accounted for 78,676 of the nation's homeless people, or just over 14 percent in 2018. Living on the street, the homeless or as they are called "The Street People". This gallery attempts to put a face on these homeless forgotten and invisible people, who are not just men but also women and children and families. Homeless of Atlantic City Homeless of New York City and Homeless of Orlando Homeless - Couple Homeless - Family Homeless - Food Kitchens Homeless - Shelter Homeless - Living on the Street Homeless - Living in the Woods Soap Kitchens Volunteers and Workers
106 imagesSoup Kitchens is to provide a nutritious meal, they are also an important entry point to services for individuals who are homeless or living in poverty.s The Salvation Army's annual Thanksgiving feast for people from many walks of life, including seniors, the homeless and families on a budget.
44 imagesPhotographs used to illustrate Surface Anatomy, the exterior surface anatomical study of the human body. A) Head Anterior view of the cranium and face Right lateral view of the cranium and face Anterior view of the head Right lateral view of the head B) Neck Anterior view of the neck C) Trunk Posterior view of the back Anterior view of the chest Anterior view of the abdomen D) Upper Limb (Extremity) Anterior view of the pelvis Posterior view of the pelvis Right lateral view of the shoulder Medial view of the arm Right lateral view of the arm Anterior view of the cubital fossa Anterior view of the forearm and wrist Posterolateral view of the wrist E) Lower Limb (Extremity) Anterior and posterior view of the hand Posterior view of the hand Anterior view of the hand Posterior view of the buttocks Anterior view of the thigh Posterior view of the knee Anterior view of the knee Anterior view of the leg,ankle and foot Posterior view of the leg and ankle Anterior view of the foot
421 imagesComputer enhancements creating a colorful abstract kaleidoscopic effects of reflections, shapes, patterns and textures.
74 imagesThe rainbow flag colors sometimes called 'the freedom flag', was popularized as a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) pride and diversity.
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41 imagesDentistry, also known as dental medicine and oral medicine, is the branch of medicine focused on the teeth, gums, and mouth. It consists of the study, diagnosis, prevention, management, and treatment of diseases, disorders, and conditions of the mouth, most commonly focused on dentition (the development and arrangement of teeth) as well as the oral mucosa. Dentistry may also encompass other aspects of the craniofacial complex including the temporomandibular joint. The practitioner is called a dentist. ___________________________________________ an
546 imagesImages to illustrate Medical and Medicine concepts, list below: Bio Medical R&D Lab, Brain MRI Scans, Burn Unit, CEREC 3D imaging, Dental Clinic - IHS, Dental Oral Screening, DNA Helix, DOA - ER, EKG, Emergency Room, EMS, ER - Emergence Room, ER Trauma Unit, ER - Stomach pumped for drugs, Examination - IHS, Herpes Simplex, Hippocratic Oath, IHS - Indian Health Service, IHS - Visiting Nurse, Incubator Baby, Marrow Donor Drive, Medical Examiner Autopsy Room, Medical History Medical Marijuana, Medical Still Life, Medical Triage, Medical Waste, Nuclear Cardiology, Orthopedic Surgery - ER, Pediatric Clinic - ER and IHS, Pharmacist - IHS, Sonogram - IHS, Time of Death - ER, Voice Recognition Notes, Volunteer - Hospital Visit
2 galleries
5 galleriesNature and Landscapes divided into Gallery 1 ) Clouds Gallery 2 ) Land - Sea - Air Gallery 3 ) Plants and Flora Gallery 4 ) Urban Snow scape
272 imagesNewspaper headlines from Daily News, New York Post, New York Times and WSJ past to present.
84 imagesArtistic female nude studies as fine art, with a play of light and shadows. photographed on location and in the studio. Nude studies in both black and white and in color. Pregnant Nude study.
495 imagesThe family unit, parent child interactions and relationships. Brothers and Sisters Ethnic family relationships Family reunions Fathers Gay Parents Grandparents Mothers
413 imagesPerformers, Entertainers and Musicians. Acrobatics Arcade Barker Art Show Artists Audience Aztec Dancers Balloon Performer Bahiana - Brazilian Belly Dancers Bodybuilders Bodybuilding Competition Body Painting Carnival Dancers Chinese performers Chinese Lion dance Church of St. Veronica Concerts Clowns Contortionist Dancers Dance Parade Diwali Dancer - India Dressing room Drag Queen Edson Scheid Violin Soloist Filipino Dancers Giuseppi Logan - Musician Greek Parade Hawaiian Dancer Hip Hop Performer Hopi Eagle Dance Indonesian Dancer Jazz Trumpeter Korean Performers Mexican Dancers and Performers Mime Musicians Naked Cowgirl Nigerian Dancers Performing Artists Performance Audience Showgirl Show Acrobatics Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Sky Cyle Trapeze Act Sri Lankan dancers Street Performers and Musicians Swan Lake Street Theater Taiwanese Performers Tarten Bagpipers
217 imagesComputer altered images to creating a Polariod Transfer effect as fine art.
7 galleries( Gallery 1 ) Front view head and shoulder and profile portraits showing the person's facial expressions,emotions and eye contact. ( Gallery 2 ) Front view, half length, three quarter and full length portraits, showing facial expression, eye contact, looking away, looking into camera and posing for camera. Also look in Cosplay portraits
22 galleriesNYC Walk Out 2 at Foley Square is a grassroots movement protesting mandatory COVID-19 vaccines. Healthcare workers and first responders have run to the frontlines. They are heroes, and they should not be terminated for making a personal decision to refuse the shots. Even if you are not being forced to get the COVID shots, stand in solidarity with others who are being mandated. Stand with your friends, healthcare workers, veterans, or those who serve our veterans, students, and millions of others who are being forced to take the COVID shots or be terminated or removed from school. A positive test result doesn’t mean you are infected? Messages on signs for the walkout include: 1) NO Forced SHOTS, I am NOT an Experiment 2) Standing for American FREEDOM 3) I call the SHOT, NOT YOU 4) Coercion is not CONSENT.
671 imagesPsychology images of lifespan development and aging. List below: Abused women AIDS Aging Alzheimer's Animal Testing Asch Study Body Language Breastfeeding Child Development Collapsed Runner Consentration Contemplation Controlled and Uncontrolled substances Cradle board Babies Crowds Depression Disrespectful Domestic Violence Down Syndrome Lifespan Development Psychological testing
274 imagesPublic Speaking and Communications. Formal and informal public speakers with good body language both outdoors and indoors communicating to audience. Audience listening and reaction to speakers. Interviewing
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499 imagesPortraits of seniors, the elderly, aging today. and middle age adults.
6 galleriesHuman Sexuality Collection is divided in galleries. In addition look in the two (2) Couples Galleries and Gay and Lesbian Issues Gallery. Please Note: Photo editors and photo researchers can contact for password to view the Male and Female Anatomy Gallery.
7 galleriesHillary Blumberg (@hillaryblumberg) • Instagram photos and frustrated designer and serial sign maker “𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘱. 𝘈𝘥𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘺𝘭 𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴.”
3 galleries
9 galleries45 million Americans have at least one tattoo . Women for the first time are slightly more likely than men to have a tattoo (now 23% versus 19 ). Body art or tattoos has entered the mainstream it is known longer considered a weird kind of subculture. "According to a 2006 Pew survey, 40% of Americans between the ages of 26 and 40 have been tattooed". Collection is divided in 3 parts, portraits, tattoos body art and digital tattoos Here are just a few of the many different styles of tattoos: 1) Japanese 2) Tribal 3) Celtic 4) American Traditional 5) Cartoon Characters 6) Dark Art, Grim, Macabre, Demonic 7) Portraits 8) Abstract 9) Modern 10) Surrealism
4 galleries
118 images01) Veteran Day Parade Past & Futoure 02) Purple Heart 03) Never Forgotten 04 )US Army Vietnam Jacket 05) US Marnies 06) Military Decorations and Ribbons 07) Thank You For Your Service 08) Military Decorations and Ribbons 09) Wounder Warrior Project 10) National Anthem Marine Singer 11) Patriotism
175 imagesVolunteers of all ages on servicing line in the Salvation Army's annual Thanksgiving dinner for people from many walks of life, including seniors, the homeless and families on a budget. NYPD Auxiliary force honors fallen officers 11 years after they were tragically gunned down in Greenwich Village. Homeless Soap Kitchen in Atlantic City. Volunteer Cook preparing food in advance. Community service Habitat for Humanity volunteers at work site building new affordable housing in Putman County FL Down Syndrome Special Olympics athlete before the competition with his volunteer coach Volunteers friendly visit in residents in nursing home in Bronx, NY.
67 imagesIllustrations to show students the correct positions of Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), or informally known as stick welding. Onsite welding by iron workers Welder Welder Helmet Welder Sanding Welders Preparing Metal Gas Pipe Welding replacement gas pipe connections Welder cutting pipes Welding AIDS Memorial
16 galleries